Dear Don and Tom,
I wanted to apologize for being late in getting back to you.
Since I came to see your father’s house, I’ve been very involved in taking care of my wife, Ellen.
She was complaining of being very tired and not feeling right.
It was the Monday after the Lions Middletown Fishing Derby, that she ended up in the Orange Region Medical Center.
She had lots of tests there. Next it was many trips to Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in Westchester over the next several weeks for more tests and plans for treatment.
Tomorrow we go to Sloan Kettering for her second chemotherapy treatment.
She has been diagnosed with cancer in her lower rectum. After the chemotherapy course of treatment is finished in several months, she will receive radiation therapy. We’re hoping this treatment plan will effectively shrink the tumor.
I’m just now getting back on the job doing real estate work. The appointments we have now for Ellen will be scheduled rather than random. This will make it easier to work around and help me back on a regular schedule.
I thank you both for your patience.
Best regards,
Art Livesey
P.S. I have completed a pricing recommendation for you. Perhaps we can get together for coffee or breakfast on Thursday or one day early next week so we can go over it. I have included a link here to some recent sales and homes currently on the market that I have used in making the analysis. Notice the difference in price between the homes that have been updated and those just spruced up.
Homes used to value 20 Maple Drive-10941
Arthur Livesey, Associate Broker
HomeSmart Homes and Estates
845-649-5614 Cell